(Yes, I’m writing an article about writing articles… 😉)

As you may have noticed, I’ve written a number of articles on software development recently. It’s Step 1 of a bigger plan to challenge myself and try to add value to our community. As I’ve been writing, I’ve also been reading a lot more on LinkedIn, various blogs, Twitter, etc. to see who else is doing this and what they’re saying. Some of it is just marketing fluff, but there are a lot of great people sharing their wisdom too.

Here are some reasons why I enjoy writing articles. From what I can tell, this holds true for a lot of other people too:

Finding my voice

I have a bunch of stuff swirling around in my head. Opinions, knowledge, questions, doubts, fears… I’m all over the place. When I pick a topic and try to express it well enough to share, it helps me clear my head, focus, and nail down exactly what I’m thinking. It helps me figure out who I am and what I believe in, in a visible, heartfelt way. And that feels good!

Sharing who I am

I want to get to know more people in our industry. I want to be a part of the Big Conversation. And when I get to know someone, I’d like them to be able to learn about me. Having my voice out there for the world to hear means that anyone can look me up and see what I’m all about, for better or worse.

Giving back

I’ve been fortunate to have a great career that I enjoy. It has put food on my family’s table for years, and when I wake up in the mornings I almost always look forward to the work day. Now I’m at the midpoint of my career, and I think it’s time to start giving back. If my thoughts and knowledge can help someone in their own career (or life, or whatever), I’m happy to spend a few minutes writing them down.

Seeing what sticks

As with anything, my writing is kind of trial-and-error. Some of my articles have gotten a great response, and some have gotten almost nothing. I’m slowly learning what resonates with people and what doesn’t. Over time I hope to learn about the best ways to help people, and focus on those topics. (By the way, suggestions for topics are always welcome!)

If you’ve never tried writing a blog post or article, give it a try! Pick something you know about (even if it’s been covered 1000 times already) and see what comes out on the page. Remember, no one else in the world has your unique perspective. If you like what you see, find a way to share it! If you’re not sure where to post it, send it my way! I’d be happy to work with you.


Jeff Nordquist is a software developer, leader, mentor, and entrepreneur. He loves thinking and writing about this stuff! You can reach him on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffnordquist), on Twitter (@jeffnordquist), or via email at jeff@jeffnordquist.com.

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