In the past year I’ve done some things that I’m really proud of. I lost 40 lbs and got into the best shape of my life. I filled my freelance trumpet calendar for the end of the year. I reconnected with people I’d been missing for a long time. And I made huge strides toward a new freelance business. My goals were clear, and my motivation was unshakable.

And then… the holidays happened. And they were wonderful. I relaxed, I saw friends and family, and we took a 9-day road trip to the east coast.

But when I got back, it was really hard to get fired up again. I’d lost all my motivation. Some people call it the “Holiday Hangover” – but whatever it was, it was frustrating, overwhelming, and just a big bummer all around.

Are you feeling like this right now? Does the new year make you feel more tired than it does excited? You’re definitely not alone!

To break out of the rut, I thought about how I’ve accomplished things in the past. Here’s what’s worked for me – and I’m happy to say, it’s working this time too!

Take small steps

It’s taken longer than expected to get my new side business up and running. But the thing that kept me moving last year was breaking down the big projects into the smallest possible tasks, and checking them off my list. Maybe I only get one thing done in a day, but that’s one step closer. And maybe the next day I get 5 things done. Every little bit of progress helps. Not only are you closer to your goal, but your mindset improves – and that makes everything else easier!

Talk it out

I felt like the only slouch in the world, until I talked through it with my wife and some friends. It turns out we were all in the same boat. And they knew which questions to ask and had some great advice. More importantly, I was reminded that this slump was temporary and it will pass, like it has in the past. If you know someone who is struggling with motivation right now, see if you can help. Helping others increases your own motivation and sense of accomplishment. That’s one of the reasons I’m writing this article! 🙂

Work with a coach

Coaches and mentors have always played a huge role in my life. I owe my freelance trumpet career to the teachers who devoted so much time to me throughout my early years. My weight loss couldn’t have happened without the advice and support of a couple great coaches. And my business coach has helped my career in countless ways. If you have a coach, or mentor, or just a good friend who wants to help – reach out. Work with them to build a plan. They want you to succeed, and they’ll have your back when times get tough.

If you’re struggling for motivation right now, drop me a line! I’d love to help get you back on your feet again.

Heres to doing some amazing things in 2020!


Jeff Nordquist is a software developer, leader, coach, and entrepreneur. He loves learning and writing about this stuff! You can reach him on LinkedIn (, on Twitter (@jeffnordquist), or via email at

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