What Makes a Great Team?

What Makes a Great Team?

Have you ever been on a development team that just didn’t “click”? One where you knew something was wrong, but just couldn’t put your finger on it? Where you felt like you carried all the weight, or worse, felt disconnected and adrift? As I’ve mentioned in previous...
Ups and Downs – Just How Bad Is It?

Ups and Downs – Just How Bad Is It?

Do you ever have bad days at work? Of course – we all do. But what about bad weeks or months? Or even years? Occasionally, if we step back and think about the big picture, we might realize that things haven’t been quite right in a long time. Now, there are a lot...
The Joys of Tech Leadership

The Joys of Tech Leadership

As developers, we love writing code and solving puzzles. It’s in our DNA. To some of us, the idea of moving into a leadership role isn’t very appealing at first. Why would I want to spend less time coding, and more time dealing with burndown charts and coding...
Turnover Can Be a Good Thing

Turnover Can Be a Good Thing

Recently, one of the architects on my team (let’s call him “Dan”) put in his two-week notice. “Dan” is one of my favorite people to work with. Since the day I met him, he’s been a source of inspiration, brilliant programming wisdom, and solid dad jokes. And he’s made...

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