The Joys of Tech Leadership

The Joys of Tech Leadership

As developers, we love writing code and solving puzzles. It’s in our DNA. To some of us, the idea of moving into a leadership role isn’t very appealing at first. Why would I want to spend less time coding, and more time dealing with burndown charts and coding...
Why I Write Articles

Why I Write Articles

(Yes, I’m writing an article about writing articles… 😉) As you may have noticed, I’ve written a number of articles on software development recently. It’s Step 1 of a bigger plan to challenge myself and try to add value to our community. As I’ve been writing, I’ve also...
Why I love writing code, Part 4: Pride

Why I love writing code, Part 4: Pride

In my previous articles, I’ve explored three reasons why we love writing software – solving puzzles, love of the products, and the people on our teams. This next one may seem a little more self-serving, but hear me out – I think it’s...
Why I love writing code, Part 3: People

Why I love writing code, Part 3: People

In my previous articles, I’ve described two reasons why we love writing software: Solving puzzles, and the love of the products we work on. I’d like to share my thoughts on what may be the most important, make-or-break aspect of software development:...

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